We are all made of glass.

3 min readMar 7, 2021

Life really is a mystery that keeps unravelling itself. The more we learn and grow as a civilization, the more mysterious life becomes. Mine at times being no exception.

Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

I recently started making an effort to improve my health and started working out, sleeping early, eating healthy while including a host of supplements as part of my diet. Some of these decisions were on the back of a few unpleasant reports on my current physical health.

I am yet to understand if my efforts are yielding results in my favor, I have set a 3 month mark for another set of investigations to understand what’s working for me and what isn’t.

However amidst all this, out of the blue, I discovered my vision seemed to be getting blurry. I am referring to my eyesight and not my vision for life in general. Upon investigation I was diagnosed with Keratoconus, a condition which weakens the glassy front of your eyes otherwise known as the cornea. Apparently my habit of rubbing my eyes thanks to my allergies caused this and now I must investigate to understand if I need corrective surgery or something less invasive can help me correct my vision.

I have thought of my life as always having been a happy-go-lucky person who never paid much attention to things in too much detail. Living this way I always knew there would be a day when I had to pull up my socks and make an effort to be healthier, smarter and sharper should I wish for a more fulfilling life — who doesn't.

While remaining conscious of my diet and my lifestyle over the years it was rudimental that I started a few practices towards this bigger goal. However, never in ones life do you actually imagine that you may be presented with a proposition where you could lose your eye sight.

It’s a reality check like no other, how fragile our bodies are and that it’s not as malleable and strong as our ambition and desires. Not to mention the depreciating strength of these assets. Is simply being mindful with a little effort over the years is all that is required? Should you always be aware of what’s going on in your body with regular checks and test? Are you really invincible when you are younger but with age it becomes a upwards battle?

How do we constantly remind ourselves of how fragile our lives really are? Amidst the daily rat race from one weekend to another how de we constantly remind ourselves that not only is this journey finite, but that it is also a bell curve that troughs at some point and the journey downward can be graceful and well planned but can never be avoided.

If humans were objects, we would perhaps be beautiful glass structures that ebb and flow through multiple dimensions of space and time with a timer and one crack slowly spreading from the point of origin catching up across the entire structure at the end of the timer.

We can’t avoid the fact that the glass will crack, we can only be aware of it and do so gracefully before we all turn to dust waiting in front of our creator hoping to be molded into something else.




An amateur writer, I hope to capture my views of the ever changing landscape of the human world through the means of writing.